
What We Do
Alaya’s trainers and facilitators apply their in-depth knowledge and understanding of contemporary mental health policy to develop engaging, relevant workforce education. This education is tailored to your context and delivered in a format that suits your workforce, either through in-house, off-site or via webinar.

- Executive Management
- Mental Health
- Primary Care
- Alcohol/other Drugs
- Psychosocial Disability
Extensive clinical & education experience
Our Clients
Murrindindi Shire

Training Packages

Mental Health First Aid
Alaya Partners offer accredited Mental Health First Aid Australia Courses including:
- Standard Mental Health First Aid 2 day (12hour) program
- Blended Online Workplace Mental Health First Aid (Component 1 is online self directed and Component 2 can be face to face 4 hours OR two 2.5 hr webinar sessions)
- Mental Health First Aid for the Older Person 2 day (12hour) program
- Standard Mental Health First Aid 4 hour refresher programs
Most courses are delivered over 2 consecutive days, however more flexible options can be discussed with our team. Each program includes a copy of the relevant program manual, a certificate of attendance or if the online exam is completed, a certificate illustrating that the participant is a Mental Health First Aider.
Who is it for?
Community members
Herrman Whole Brain Thinking
This program will enable participants to learn about the thinking that drives performance. The HBDI teaches people how to:
- Communicate with those who have similar preferences as well as those that think differently
- Improve on decision making and problem solving
- Appreciate diverse thinking preferences and how they contribute to outcomes
- Enable people to see beyond mental blind spots to reach results
Who is this for?
PrimeCare: Mental Health Skills Training for GPs and GP Registrars
This program is delivered over one day or a two part series (6hrs) and has been developed to assist GPs to confidently respond to presenting mental health issues in the context of a busy general practice environment.
The program includes workbook, reference text book and all medical software templates discussed in the program.
Who is this for?
Existing GPs
New GPs (GP Registrars)
Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention for Primary Care staff
This workshop is delivered over two hours and is designed to improve alcohol screening and brief intervention skills of those working within the primary care settings. The workshop includes a variety of strategies and tools including the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test) Tool.
Who is this for?
General Healthcare workforce wanting to exapand their MH
Mental Health Foundations Training for primary care and general practice nurses
Alaya Partners offer accredited Mental Health First Aid Australia Courses including:
- Standard Mental Health First Aid 2 day (12hour) program
- Workplace Mental Health First Aid in Blended or Online Version
- Mental Health First Aid for the Older Person 2 day (12hour) program
- Youth Mental Health First Aid 2 day (12hour) program
- Standard Mental Health First Aid 4 hour refresher programs
Most courses are delivered over 2 consecutive days, however more flexible options can be discussed with our team. Each program includes a copy of the relevant program manual, a certificate of attendance or if the online exam is completed, a certificate illustrating that the participant is a Mental Health First Aider.
Who is this for?
Genera Healthcare workforce wanting to expand their MH
Mental Health in General Practice: Simplifying implementation in everyday practice
Mental Health in General Practice is a 2.5 hour workshop that can be delivered in both face-to-face and webinar formats.
This workshop provides ‘real life’ skills training for GPs, GP Registrars, Practice Nurses and Practice Managers in managing mental health in a busy general practice situation.
It includes:
- Practical tips in conducting a mental health assessment in a busy setting
Practical tips in developing a Mental Health Treatment Plan - Tips and resources for managing mental health patients and symtoms
- Making the most of your practice software to maximise ease of implementation
- Understanding of available mental health funding initiatives, pathways and services in your area.
- How to use the MBS item numbers to support your care
- Medico-legal risks and requirements
- The role of the practice nurse to support patients
- Managing co-morbidities, like blood born viruses and AOD which may impact on your patient’s mental health presentation and treatments
Who is this for?
Existing GPs
New GPs (GP Registrars)
Business Essentials Workshop Series
Interested in learning more about managing a business in the mental health sector?
Are you looking at ways to improve your private practice?
Our Business Essentials workshop series is divided into 3 1hour sessions:
- Responsive Business Planning
- Business contingency and Risk
- Management
- Practical implementation and support
Who is this for?
Mental Health clinicians moving to private practice
Creating Caring Conversations
This one hour session has been created to support employees to:
- Identify signs of psychological distress (in you and others)
- Hold space and provide support
- Create caring conversations with others
- Connect people to care
- Self care – how do I look after me?
Who is this for?
Older Minds Mental Health Training
This webinar series has been created to support residential aged care staff to identify, manage and refer residents to Mental Health Support. This series covers:
- Anxiety in the older person
- Depression in the older person
- Addiction in the older person
- Grief, Grieving and COVID-19 Grief
Delirium and the older person
Who is this for?
General Healthcare workforce wanting to expand their MH
Other Resources